Behind the broken comb is what I'm using to strain the wax out of the comb. Its just a bowl, a colander and a paint straining cloth I got at Ace Hardware. Next, I broke the comb off of the bar and crushed it in my hands. Yes, this is messy! I had honey all over my hands. Maybe I'll look for a cleaner way to do it next time, but it was actually kind of fun. Anyway, you squeeze out the honey and put the clump of wax into the paint strainer "bag". The honey drips through into the bowl. Like this:
I let it drain while I ate a brat from the high school fund raiser at Walgreens. Mmmm. Then, I took the left over clump of wax and put it in a pan and baked it at 300 degrees until it melted. This separates the wax from the remaining honey. Here it is melting:
While the wax was baking, I just poured the honey into 1/2 pint jars. I suppose later I will use bigger jars, but I figure I should spread my first crop around to more than one person. So, smaller jars this time! One bar of honeycomb made about a pint and half of honey. There are several more bars of honey in the hive and I expect the bees to bring in much more in the next two weeks. Here is the final product:
Pretty fun! And pretty messy. It should be pretty fun to have the girls help next time!
Very, very cool.
We tried some on toast this morning and yum! yum! We all licked our fingers and Walter and I say "Jess, get those bees to make a lot of honey!!"
It looks like liquid gold! So light colored and clear. You have great bees from Magnolia, their queen!
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