Tuesday, January 18, 2011

She's got it write

We were excited that Ginny began writing her name unprompted this week!  She must have been watching her big sister.  She wrote both her name and Emma's!  Its really amazing to me how kids pick up new skills.  It almost seems like magic.  I'm really glad there are so many magicians (teachers) in their life!  I really like the E with all the lines in it.  The picture on the bottom is another Ginny drew this week.

1 comment:

Gramma said...

I had that same feeling of magical things happening when you were learning to read and write. That she did not start with a scribble that only she knew said Ginny, but something we all could read is just incredable. Her drawings are changing every week too! Oh, that I could keep up and learn something new each week too!