Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Half the Man I Used to Be

Well, that's not true.  I'm 80% of the man I used to be.  Today I reached my goal weight of 160 pounds, about 40 pounds lighter!  Lots of people ask me why I decided to lose weight.  I dislocated my knee again in August and I realized I had not lost the weight I gained during the recovery from my knee surgery.  I figured I should lose that weight (and then some) so it would put less stress on my knees.  That and the Wii fit thing can quit calling me overweight!

The next question people ask me is how I'm doing it.  If I had to pick one thing I'm doing, its that I'm eating smaller portions.  I'm eating dinner on a side plate rather than the main plate.  I've also tried to replace processed foods with more fruits and vegetables.  This is where Erin has really helped me.  I really couldn't do it without her.  She has been making me really delicious low calorie meals.  I hardly know I'm on a diet!  I still eat things I like, just in more moderation.

Ah, and the other thing, it snowed about 2 feet here last night.  Snow day in Madison!  Well, it was for the kids anyway - I worked from home.  My parent's neighbor had their entire front door covered in a drift.  The WHOLE door!  Ours wasn't that bad.  Here's a picture of the drift on our deck.  Its taller than Ginny!!


Anonymous said...

Wow I'm impressed. Great job. Nice post.

Nancy said...

Congratulations! You must feel good about your healthy body.

Mom said...

You look great! We must plan some bike rides this summer.