Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Winter Sports

Sorry again for the long delay between blog posts!  My deadline at work has passed, so I should have energy at home again!

Emma went for skiing lessons late last week!  There is a ski hill in the town next to ours (Tyrol Basin) that offers lessons for kids.  Below is a video of Emma skiing (turn off the volume)! Not bad for a first timer!  Here's hoping this shows up in an olympic montage someday!

Erin got to do some skiing with her too.  Definitely something they will do again next winter!  Me, I'm looking forward to spring.  Spring training that is.  I head to Florida to see some games with my friend Henri next Thursday!  Where did I put those shorts?

1 comment:

Gramma said...

She has now downhill skied farther than I ever have!